Pakd On Graffiti

Montag, 25. Mai 2009

What would you say to an Alien?

Recently I read a thread on Above Top Secret, about what the best thing would be that you could say to an alien. I don't even have to think long to come up with an answer to that question.... I would ask the Alien on his Perspective (or his planet's perspective) to our planet's History, and evolution, with special Interest in many subjects, which are not clearly proven up to date. Other that that, I would obviously try to make it clear to him (or her) that I do absolutely not want, or intend any type of violent behavior toward him or her. I would also try asking about technological progress on any to him known planet(s).
What would you ask him? Do you disagree with any question of mine?

EDIT: Thank you for your Comments!
- I assume that a planet which is capable of sending spacecraft to our planet, would probably have knowledge about the places they send them to.
- I find your questions very very interesting, and after reading your comments I would probably add your's to my personal list too. ;P

3 Kommentare:

  1. While I think its a fine answer, it seems based on the assumption that the alien would have a comprehensive interest in/ knowledge of human history and all its many paths. If an alien appeared, he'd be the equivalent of an astronought - smart, but schooled mainly in the sciences - or worse yet, a 'mere' sailor with little interest or care in the history or practices of another place.

  2. Hmm.. those are interesting questions. I would probably ask how advanced are their planet's technology (obviously way advanced than ours since they could travel to our planet and we can't).

  3. The Vedas talked so much about these aliens, spaceships, other world voyage, various inhabitants of other planets, etc. May be we did have many REAL encounters with them for centuries. So much religious traditions and cultures talked about them. some considered as angelic beings or something... But I think they are actually what we called ALIENS
