Earlier today, I watched the german News on RTL, and what I heard made me roll my eyes. They said that over a million people have infected themselves with Hepatitis B only this year. -.- Really?!
They also said that what everyone should be doing these days, is going and getting vaccinated with some "Brand New" Hepatitis B Vaccine.. All of this sounds to me as if they are trying to test some shit on us here.....
It was like the avian flu, first dangerous and genocidal, and suddenly gone and uninteresting.
But only if you ask me
Hi Paks,
AntwortenLöschenThanks for youir post. I wanted to say that chronic hepatitis B does infect 350-400 million people worldwide, and that it is a serious world health issue. It's the primary cause of liver cancer; in fact, 25% of those with chronic hep B die of liver cancer because it has no symptoms until it's too late, and what's worse, most don't know of their infection status. So it's important to get tested.
The good news is that there IS a safe and effective vaccine that can prevent hepatitis B infection that has been around for nearly 23 years. The World Health Organization actually calls it the first anti-cancer vaccine, so i don't think anyone is trying to test any nonesense on anyone.
If you'd like more information, you can find it at http://www.who.int/immunization/topics/hepatitis_b/en/index.html or http://liver.stanford.edu.
I work for a non-profit that focuses on hepatitis B and liver cancer, so feel free to ask me any questions. :)
- Amy