a forgotten part of History in the Karribbean Area.
Near Yucatan he found the fossiled rest of life in a cave complex, down in 1 hundred meters depth. He found bones of long extinct camels, and fossiles of the huge ancestors of armadillos.
They are from the Pleistocene aera, when Yucatan was still surrounded by savanna, and not rainforest, like today. This was the time, when our earth was wrapped in a Ice age, and because of the humungeous Polarcaps back then, the sea level dropped about 100 meters. Located at this depth, there is still the same cave-complex, which happens to be the one in which Dr. Gonzales was lucky. The Animal fossiles where not all he found in these caves though.
He found Firespots, and human fossiles, proving that about 11 600 years ago, these Caves were inhabited by strongly asian-looking humans. This find questions the Theory that the American Continent was inhabited through the Behring Straight 11 000 years ago.
So did indeed humans possibly travel to America in a boat crossing the Pacific?
Dr. Gonzales continues to search for clues and evidence for a new historical perspective....