Lately I have been wondering alot what suddenly causes all of these natural catastrophes, which have been happening lately. How is it that a year ago, there was barely anything happening at all. Of course there were a few Occurrances, but nothing abnormal or so. This year although, is a very very Genocidal year to many countries of this world. We have Floods in Australia, War in Iraq, War in Afghanistan, almost a Wall-street Breakdown, a big Co2 Problem (?), and in my favorites last but not least:
The Avian Flu, which has mutated, and become pretty dangerous. (atleast dangerous enough for the US-Govt. to invest 7 million dollars in finding and developing a cure to it.) Now, if I am not missing out on anything, I would conclude allof these problems to "Chemtrails". They have been a Phenomenon, which has strongly increased in the last few years. There have literally been people from every single Country in the World making Reports of sightings on the Forum "". Take a minute to think about this now, We are told that Chemtrails are being used to cause artificial Rainclouds. What happens to Clouds naturally? they move.....
I am not saying that this is the only possible solution to everything, but it atleast would make sense in combination with theories claiming that there will be a "Depopulation" occuring in the next few years.
Has it begun?