During WWII, a curious episode took place, indicating an awareness of a whole new realm of secret phenomena and abilities. As chronicled in Nigel Cook's book " The Search for Zero Point", strange equipment and means were employed in a secret test chamber built in Poland deep under the northern Sudenten Mountains near the the Silesian coal mining center of Waldenburg. This site can still be visited today, although I have never been there I have been told by people who have, that you can access the whole facillity underground, although it is dangerous, because of flooded tunnels, and other similar things. The weirdest proof for the supposed strange happenings down there is the "Flytrap"(see Picture above). Up to this day noone knows for sure what exactly this was used for. Theories claim that it was used to test anti-gravity air/spacecraft by using the bell to power them up with massiv ammounts of electricity.
The project was code-named Chronos and involved a device always called "Die glocke"- the Bell. The device was made out of a hard, heavy metal ( depleted uranium? ) and filled with a mercury like substance, violet in color. This metallic liquid was stored in thermos like flasks encased in lead . The device was installed deep down in the earth in Wenceslas Mine. When the Bell was energized, it was wrapped in a ceramic cover and involved the rapid spinning of two cylinders in opposite directions. A local dam was used to generate electrical power to power up the Laternenträger. The violet mercury-like substance was called "Xerum 525". Other substances known to have been involved in the testing were thorium and beryllium peroxides.
The test chamber was 30 meters square and lined with ceramic tiles. The floors and walls were covered with heavy black rubber mats.The test room and all electrical equipment but the Bell were disposed of after every few tests. Apparently, they became contaminated in some fashion and were disposed of in a furnace.
The tests themselves were quite short. A minute would pass and the Bell would give off a strange blue glow. Test personell were kept 150 to 200 meters away sheilded by tons of rock. After each test the room would be entered by concentration camp workers who would spray the room down with some tye of brine for 45 minutes, and after that, they would switch the ceramic tiles in this testing chamber, which caused collateral damage to them. There are stories claiming that not a single one of these concentration camp workers survived this job due either to the lethal experiment itself, or because they were killed by the nazis, so they could not loose a word about what the nazis were up to.
The Nazi super scientists placed animals, plants and insects nearby the Bell during testing. A strange crystalline substance invaded animal tissue, destroying life. Plants thus exposed lost all their cholorophyll, turning deathly white in several hours. Refinements of the equipment was made and it's lethality diminished. Despite protective clothing , five of the seven scientists involved later died from ailments involving sleep problems, metallic taste in the mouth, nerve spasms and loss of memory and balance.
Acording to the theories of some physicists, a torsion feild of sufficient intensity can bend space around the generator. The more torsion you generate, the more space you alter. When you bend space , you also bend time.
Were the Nazi's doing some time traveling towards the end of WWII ? Did persons of interest , to use todays Homeland Security lexicon, escape into the future, ...our present ?? Maybe the heiroglyphs found in egyt depicting flying saucers and helicopters is proof for this claim....
But on the other side, maybe this is all just a big "brainfart", and they were not even half as farin such research as we think today?
You decide!
A fascinating article! I had not heard of this project, and certainly intend to do more research into it. WWII buffs might want to check out my new novel, THE FUHRER VIRUS. It is a fictional spy/conspiracy/thriller for adolescent and adult readers and can be found at www.eloquentbooks.com/TheFuhrerVirus.html, www.amazon.co.uk, www.amazon.com, and www.barnesandnoble.com.
Paul Schultz
no, thank you!