Near my House hear in berlin there is a train station called: "S-Bahnhof Marienfelde". A few years ago I had heard from multiple sources that Hitler was building a Subway line going from the high north of Berlin all the way through Berlin down to the very South (Marienfelde). Although the Nazis never got done building the tracks and so on, the tunnels were already there.
Up to now I have been desperately looking for theese tunnels, but I haven't had much luck yet. Yesterday going to work in the morning, I noticed something I never saw before right next to the train station... This ---->
At first I barely saw the staircase leading to the door depicted here, because it was completely filled up with leaves. Later that day, going home I walked by there and took a picture. I noticed that the Door was open a slightly bit, and I didn't really look as if there had been much concern from anyone, in either keeping this place clean, or even going there in the first place. (If anyone even knows it that is). Any way how, this Sunday I will go in there and take a peek around. I will of course take my camera, and I will definately post new pictures by monday.
can't wait to see your photos...really curious!!!