If the legend is to be believed, this huge "emerald" belonged to some neutral angels until Lucifer stole it and put it into his/her crown. Lucifer got kicked out of Heaven, the emerald broke in two. Lucifer went looking for it, but gave up, and human beings found them. It was after this time that the two halves of the emerald were made into the Emerald Tablet and the Emerald Grail by who knows who.
1. The Emerald Tablet's history, unlike the Grail's, is actually better documented even though the object itself has never been found by archeologists. It is possible that the Tablet is the Philosopher's Stone of Alchemy, the "Stone which is not a Stone". Since the legend tells that Lucifer had power over Alchemy through the Emerald, this would be exceedingly likely. It is also possible that it may have been destroyed or reworked into something else in the years since 400 AD, but something of it's fate can be guessed at in this theory:
2. The Emerald Grail's history can be pieced together. Clearly, it was an object of sacred value to early Christians, and it likely was a green glass cup mistaken for the cup of Christ. I say mistaken because Jesus would not have been able to *afford* such a rich cup to drink from. Carpenters back then did not exactly earn a king's wage, and glasswork like that was rare and costly. But because Jesus was, to his faithful, the King of Kings, to them he would have had only the best. Maybe Nero heard about this object... and in an effort to make Christians even more miserable, had it made into his famous lens. Now let's say this object was given to Nero and he was told that it was emerald. Since emeralds were both "expensive and inefficient" to treat poor vision Nero's physicians could have used glass and just told Nero it was emerald, to satisfy the emperor's extravagent taste. No one knows the fate of this lens, but then we have that green glass chalice appearing at Genoa, so it's possible that Christians simply reworked Nero's lens back into a cup again... but this time a more expensive kind of cup: a chalice. This chalice found it's way into the hands of Napoleon and Hitler before it met destruction in World War II, as documented by some sources. So, this could be a reason why we'll never find the Holy Grail of the legends. And, since this Grail is more Lucifer's holy object than Christ's, that is most likely for the best, and could be the reason so many conquerors and tyrants were drawn to it. This theory makes the fate of the Tablet rather obvious...
3. If the Grail was just green glass and not really emerald, and let us say for agument's sake the legend of Lucifer was true and the Grail was just one half of a larger object, the other half being the Tablet... then the Tablet would also be made from green glass. It is likely, therefore, the Tablet was broken and that is the reason why the last man to actually see it made a copy of what it said upon it's surface: to preserve what was lost. Moses had made a new set of Ten Commandments for a similar purpose... because the originals broke. If the Emerald Tablet is Lucifer's own "Commandments", you can bet it suffered a similar fate to Moses' Tablets. It is likely that this is one excuse why the Church had put so many Alchemists to death during the Inquisition and accused them of doing "the Devil's work". If they knew the history of the "Philosopher's Stone", a.k.a. the Emerald Tablet, it would have, to them, confirmed their worst fears about Alchemy being a "Magic of the Devil", even though we know Alchemy is just chemistry combined with esoteric philosophy.
If the whole legend isn't true, then someone made both the Grail and the Tablet, and tried to get people to believe that these objects were of divine origin. From this viewpoint, the Grail of Genoa, the Lens of Nero, and the Tablet not only have nothing to do with one another but are by themselves rather common objects compared to more important relics. Since the ruined remnants of the Genoa cup apparently cannot be dated in any kind of truly satisfactory manner, we can *never* know if this old legend is true or false...
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