Pakd On Graffiti

Donnerstag, 12. März 2009

C02 Threat or Lie

Global Warming is a big Issue in Today's Society

But is it a real threat or just a fraud?
If you ask me its just a fraud, brought to us by the Global Politician Leader group, no matter if they are called "the Illuminati", "the Trilateral Commission", or "Bilderberg Group" or anything else. This Group does exist, and the C02 story is a brilliant way of selling people things, that cost way more than they are worth. People know they are more expensive than usual groceries, but the people are told that they are better for nature, regarding the trustworthiness of that Claim, there are not many sources we (society) can draw our information from. The only ones being TV, Internet, or radio. Who exactly tells us that there is seriously no one messing around or, editing every information we get, so we only hear and see what we are supposed to see?
No one says that...
We say that to ourselves. But how do WE know that?
We don't, but on the other hand we don't want to believe that we ourselves voted for the same Greedy Incompetent Politicians who are the ones lying to us...

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