Pakd On Graffiti

Montag, 16. März 2009

A Little Off the subject...

In the First place I would like to Introduce you to this post, by saying that this has nothing to do with Mystery or such. This one is about personal experiances I have been having for the last two years, so let this be said: "This Post is the Actual Story or Facts that took place".
Up to about two Years ago I was very active in the WWII-Bunker research, including various threads and other. I had very much first hand Information, gathered by myself looking for eyewhitnesses and such of that time. I had to end all of this when One day two years ago sometime in Fall, my doorbell rang, and there were two policemen standing there saying, that they would have to take me to the Police Station with them. Said and done, they handcuffed me, took my laptop and we left. Once we get there they lead me into a room with about 5 people sitting in there. Those people were no Cops, because they were all wearing suits and they jus simply had a completely different appearance than german cops do.(Believe me, as a sprayer Iknow how they look). Anyways, I walk into the room and I instantly have all eyes on me, although I still could only guess why I was brought there. Behind Me the door was closed and one Officer had started unlocking my handcuffs. One of the Otherly dressed men stands up and says: "We have heard too much about you, as that we would not want to see if it was true", Which made me think what in a spraycan's name he ment with that. Another one of the men took my laptop and went out of the room, and the one who had stook up immediatly said: "don't worry you will get your laptop back when we are done..."and everyone just stared at me. Eventually, being fed up of being stared at, I asked them if there was a possible chance of them telling me who the are, and why I am here, and the answered my in a pretty authorical way that, they are the "Bundesnachrichtendienst"(BND - German CIA), and I was here because they assumed that I had my nose in things, it wouldn't belong in. After that the guy with my laptop (but WITHOUT my Laptop) came back, I got cuffed (AGAIN), and they lead me to a black 99' BMW 5 series !in a sidestreet of the Copstation!
and so we drove off to their little Hide-out (which up to the 90's ironically were US-Army-Barracks).
Once there, we park in front of the main-entrance to their Buildingcomplex, but instead of walking in there, we take a strong left and go into this weird, old, little shack which made me think they were planning on torturing me or something. We go in there, they take the cuffs off, and they start asking me questions about why exactly i am so fascinated by bunkers, what I know about them, Websites I go on, Threads I post and basically all kinds of questions all a huge range of topics, which was no wonder to me, but then the asked me on question that I will seriously never forget, because up to this day, I do not know what they ment on it. They had said:" You father, was an american soldier in these barracks a while ago wasnt he?", and I said yes, then he said:" Do you know what exactly your father was responsible for, here in berlin?" I said "Yes, I do. He was responsible for this and that." Then (timeless to me): !!!"You don't even know what your own dad did? He was a big man, with big responsibillities here, your dad was responsible for every bunker in and around berlin..."!!! My Jaw dropped."Seriously?" I asked. "Of Course" they said, and everything was quiet. Then they said we were doneand that they have deleted everything on my laptop, and they do not want to hear of me talking about bunkers online, or offline ever again...
Since that day, people in suits have been following me. I swear. I live in South-berlin and I work in the North so everyday I go straight across berlin, and believe it or not i see these people in suits everywhere I go. My Girlfriend has noticed them too. When I walk my girlfriend home, they follow us all the way up to her door, and then they follow me all the way home. I don't know if I am imagening them or if they are true but they are freaking me out and I really need People to know about this, so please spread the word a bit guys =))